
Competitive Strategies for Treasury Sales

Exercise and Role-playing Workshop

Agenda Program
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Prague, NH Hotel Prague
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Actual Insights into Treasury Sales
Real-life Examples and Role-play Based Approach
Negotiation and Presentation Skills
In-depth Ability to Identify Appropriate Treasury Strategy
What Makes a Successful Sales Person?
How to Educate Your Clients?
A detailed practical explanation of competitive treasury sales structured so that participants will have an in-depth ability to identify and select appropriate strategic approaches based on their knowledge of the client (including risk appetite or profile) when attempting to promote treasury related concepts, services and products.

Learning Objectives

The goal of the course is to enable the participants to gain a clear understanding of where the client fits into individual market sectors and how to tailor products offered to the need profile of the client. By the end of the course, participants will learn:
  • How to identify and analyse their clients' needs in relation to risk and other driving forcests
  • How to demonstrate the value of the chosen treasury strategy, concept or products
  • How a treasury strategy, concept or product might perform in a given scenario

This course will be highly role-play and exercise driven. Participants will have an opportunity to consider a variety of real-life examples in detail. These exercises will form the core of an interactive, participative training courses in which the participants will gain real insights into treasury sales by looking at real life scenarios.

Level of Preparedness

Ideally delegates should be in an active sales role or in a support role alongside the sales team.

Program of the seminar: Competitive Strategies for Treasury Sales

The seminar timetable follows Central European Time (CET).

Session 1: Why do you need a dedicated sales team and what qualities do they need?

  • Push Selling and Product-led approaches
  • Understanding mis-selling � a short slide presentation
  • Selling under MiFID
    • Customer categorisation, suitability and appropriateness, best execution
    • TCF

Session 2: Compliant sales approaches that mitigate mis-selling risk

  • Pull Selling � a simple model of compliance
  • The �Buying Process� and how it ensures absolute compliance
  • The Belief System � the #1 success driver for ANY sales operation

Session 3: Individual Market Sectors - Where Does The Client Fit Into That Sector?

  • Identifying the client�s treasury requirements
  • Choosing the right customers
  • Prospects, clients, advocates
  • Forensic research
  • What do our clients expect of us?

Session 4: Appreciate the Client�s Attitude to Risk � Mapping Client Needs

  • The need for researching and planning a client telephone call
  • Developing a clear picture of client needs � the GAP Mapping Process
  • Where does the client�s risk appetite fit into Treasury Sales?
  • Setting objectives and planning outcomes
  • Advance vs. continuation
  • Relationship vs. Transaction

Session 5: Teams Case Study � Client Review 1

  • Deansgate International Asset Management (DIAM) Case Study � Introduction
  • Briefings - Bank (Fixed Income Sales) and Senior Investment Manager
  • Review basic underlying risks and gaps in case study
  • What basic products might be suitable?
  • The differences between treasury sales and every other sales process � the impact of a fluid and volatile market environment

Session 6: Tailor Your Product / Strategy to the Client�s Requirements - Principles

  • An overview of globally trained, research-based sales structures
  • What are the limitations when applying common sales processes to Treasury products?
  • Developing a professional questioning process for Treasury sales teams
    • Research Questions
    • The Counselling phase
    • Motivating action
    • Gaining commitment
  • Conducting a two way client meeting face to face or on the phone

Session 7: Tailor Your Product / Strategy to the Client�s Requirements - Practice

  • Applying the research based sales questioning process to DMI/Avebury/Melton case studies (case study choice dependent on mix/role of participants)
  • Team briefing
  • Individual pair working to apply questioning structure
  • Evaluation of competence and feedback for improvement

Session 8: Offering Alternatives and Solutions for the client � The principles of structuring a �Pitch�

  • What did we learn from our client � completing the research matrix
  • Minto Pyramid � applying it to structure an effective �Pitch�
  • Presenting our offer - Planning, Structuring and Delivering a solution for the client
  • Verbal delivery skills
    • Spoken vs. written
    • Non-verbal delivery skills
  • How to avoid �over broking� or �over selling� products, new ideas / solutions

Session 9: Effective delivery of our proposals and �pitch books�

  • Verbal delivery skills
    • Spoken vs. written
    • Non-verbal delivery skills
  • The 4 quadrant process for effective delivery
  • Negotiation and gaining Commitment to a course of action

Session 10: �Educate� the Client � Managing the ongoing relationship

  • Assessing the support level the client will need
  • Pinpointing client motivational; types � Results-focused, Affiliative or Power Hungry
  • Build and maintain the �comfort factor� between yourself and the client
  • Tailoring the frequency of your contact and updates to match your client�s requirements
  • Managing account coverage
  • Client review procedures � including CRM
  • Understanding your role
  • Examining self-motivation & personal performance measurement
  • Key action plans
  • Team goals and targets

Session 11: What Happens When A Sales Strategy Fails?

  • Why might it fail? Understanding the unique aspects of financial markets sales
  • The sales/trading/new issue interfaces and the interdependency and conflict between them
  • Working with product providers
  • Recovery strategies � lost client retrieval, competitor analysis, damage limitation

Session 12:

Case Study: Team Exercise � Create A Basic Sales Strategy for a Client Type � e.g. Domestic, International and Islamic (This session will be tailored to the participants� individual needs)

The Account Analysis and Development Planner

  • Prepare a basic strategy � analyse the basic underlying risk created from core business requirements - offer basic product strategies, highlighting advantages / disadvantages of each
  • Present to group
  • Discuss and offer alternative concepts if any

Evaluation and Termination of the Course

Training catalogue in PDF
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