Case study and exercise: Delegates analyze the risk environment in which their firms operate and identify the principal threats that could give rise to material unexpected losses
Case study and exercise: Delegates are provided with operational risk event / loss scenarios which they analyze and then determine the applicable Basel II loss event category and what data should be recorded in the loss event database.
Case study and exercise: Introducing and reviewing the �Safe Bank� case study that will be further used on Day 2. Delegates analyze and critique Safe Bank�s business operating model.
An overview of the BCBS consultative paper �Principles for Effective Risk Data Aggregation and Risk Reporting�
Case study and exercise: Delegates analyze a real-life business operating model and calculate quantitative and qualitative operational risk metrics that are used to produce Operational Risk MI. The outputs are subsequently evaluated and critiqued.
Case study and exercise: Delegates conduct an analysis of the DNA of the new operational risk measurement system and conclude on: (1) its value-added relative to the current / Basel II approach; and (2) its risk mitigation capabilities relative to the threats of major unexpected loss identified on Day 1.